About Mizizi

About Mizizi

Mizizi is a Swahili name for roots. Established in 2018, Mizizi LLC is dedicated in providing our clients with hand crafted, preservative free, additive free, gluten free, low in sodium and freshly ground spices. We go by Mizizi Foods and Spices on our social media platforms. We grind and blend our small-batch spices weekly to maintain the freshness, aroma and flavor of our blends.  This is one of the reasons, we believe in “Deeply Rooted to a Healthy You” and that if we cannot eat it, we definitely cannot sell it!

About Founders

Born and bred in Kenya, we were all nurtured in a society that pretty much every meal or spice we used was prepared from our home kitchen.This changed about 15 years ago when we moved to the United states and ran out of the few spices we had brought from home.Attempts to get constant spice supply from back in Kenya was limited hence the arise of Mizizi Foods and Spices from our own kitchen!

We started making our own fresh and preservative free spice blends from our kitchen and not only did we get hooked but friends and family did too.We therefore saw the need to share our spice blends beyond our kitchen.


Mercy Jemo Kibe – CEO/ Founder

Benjamin Kibe Ndung’u – Co Founder

Why Spices

Spices are known for flavoring food,therapeutic effects and are also believed to have medicinal properties which includes, lowering blood sugar (Cloves & Cinnamon), boost heart health (Garlic), reduce inflammation (Turmeric and Black pepper) and digestion problem (Cardamon) and releaves nausea (Ginger).

Mizizi Spices have distinct flavors that cannot be attained by any other. The increase in spice benefits awareness beyond flavor enhancement is the driving force in most of our flavors. We like “Kicking Those Taste Buds” and maintaining a very simple ingredients collection. Our spices are multi use. They can be used on meat, vegetable, legumes and sea food which enables one to have a budget friendly option while shopping for spices. Statistics shows that majority of the population has gotten more cautious with their diet thus prepping their own meals at home.

Preservative and additive Free: We opted to take this route to prevent the side effects of using some preservatives which includes body cell damages and and might cause respiratory tract infection.The powdered spice enhances solubility when used in delicacies, drinks or snacks.

Mizizi LLC is located in the “City of Oaks”; Raleigh, North Carolina. Being in a diverse community, our spice and food reception has been great with an increased interest in trying ethnic cuisine. We aim at retaining our quality foods and spices.

Mizizi Food And Spices Difference

Our spice blends are;

Hand Crafted
Freshly Grounded
Packed in small airtight pouch for potency
Preservative Free
Gluten Free
Low Sodium